May 2010 Newsletter

Wow! It has been forever since the Rubber Chicken has come out. We have just been so swamped here at StandUp Academy and StandUp Productions that the Chicken has sat on the stove too long! We have soo much going on!!

The Grad Shows are almost here (Yay), which means you have new brothers and sisters to welcome to the family. I also have posted pics from the previous two classes so that you can see who has joined us (pics for this class will be posted after the grad shows). Look for your name on the right side of this blog under Family Members. If you are not there, let us know so we can add you. Hope to see you ALL at the improv and/or standup grad shows!! Remember, you get in FREE to all the shows (2 drink min, but it can be soda). Come have fun with us and meet the new fam!

Next session is starting June 19 for both StandUp and Improv! Remember, you get a discount on both classes for being SUA alums! Hit me up to sign up. I already have many of the spots filled, so don't delay. I am keeping the alumni discount at $300 for a while-that's $100 off the standup class! The Improv class is just $200 for SUA alums (that's $50 off the new student rate)! For more info or to register, click here.

I am happy to announce that I am now producing at this adorable room called Bar Lubitsch in West Hollywood! It holds about 60 people and there is no drink minimum (or maximum; 21 and over). Hit me up for info about being in that show or my Ice House Main Room or Annex shows. If I haven't booked you, it's cause I haven't heard from you!

Hope you are all doing great! If I haven't seen you in a while, come on back. We miss you! I hope to put out the Rubber Chicken more often now that I have the help of the awesome Chris Oliver and Kate Roxburgh. If you want to put anything in this newsletter, just email me the info. We are growing fast here. Glad to have you all along for the ride. Nothing means more to me than my wonderful comedy family!!

Keep in touch! Love, Bobbie (mama)


The Grad Shows Are Here!! June 6 & 7 @ 8pm

Lineups for each night (this is NOT the order):
Sunday, June 6 @ 8pm

MC: Sally Mullins
Mary Diane
Daniel Gutierrez
John Kevari
Norm Cook
David Schmidt
Rouya Shamsai
Narcizo Gonzalez
Kevin Barry
Andrew Burkot
Breon Waters II
Special Guest: John Fontaine
Special Guest: Vargus Mason
Bobbie Oliver

Monday, June 7 @ 8pm

MC: Sally Mullins
Vince Takas
Howard Wescott
Jeni Bartiromo
Mary Basmadjian
Russel Grant
Aiko Tanaka
Carlos Escobar
Tim Roberts
Klift Karaffa
Roger Sonnier
Special Guest: Robbie Pickard
Special Guest: Vargus Mason
Bobbie Oliver