Hi kids!
Happy Holidays to all of you!! I know it's been a long time since the newsletter has come out. We've been so busy here at StandUp Academy and StandUp Productions, we haven't had time to catch our breath! But, now it's the end of the year and time to make sure everyone you love knows they are loved. So, YOU ARE LOVED!! I am so grateful for our comedy family! We have lots of new members since the last newsletter (look for you name on the list of family members and let me know if I left anyone out).
So, here's the new Rubber Chicken Gazette! Check out what we've been up to and what we have coming up. And don't be a stranger! We are always looking for comics for our shows (Sundays at the Ice House Main Room and Tuesdays at Flappers Main Room), producers, and just friends to come party with us! Hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season! Love, Bobbie