Hi Comics!
Hope this edition of the Rubber Chicken Gazette finds you all well & having a great summer. The fact that it's been so long since the last Chicken should tell you that it's been crazy around here at StandUp Academy & StandUp Productions. We have lots of shows going on at the Ice House Main Room & Flappers Main Room (email us for spots)! And the new classes are showcasing at the Ice House Main Room Aug 21-23 (lineups below)!! We are also in the early planning stages of Year 2 of the Eagle Rock Comedy Festival and getting ready for next session's stand-up & improv/sketch workshops at the Ice House starting Sept 10.

Lots of stuff below. Enjoy the Rubber Chicken. Hope to see you all soon at the grad shows and/or in one of our shows or workshops! Love, Bobbie

August 16th at Flapper's @ 8pm!!

Improv Class Showcase, Ice House Annex, Wednesday, August 17

The Grad Shows are here!!

Grad Shows Are Sunday through Tuesday and we'll be doing a lottery drawing for Alums on Monday and Tuesday! Come support your new family members and you could be performing with them!

Grad Show Sunday, August 21st @8pm

MC: Sally Mullins
Garry Haley
Andy Adams
Derek Blackway
Michael McClenahan
Marisol Grier
Liz Rodgers
Christopher B Duncan
Kevin Barry
Justin Latham
Guest: SUA Improv Class Sketch
Guest: John Fontaine
Guest: Phil Perrier
Bobbie Oliver

Grad Show Monday, August 22nd @8pm

MC: Sally Mullins
Mark Leonard
Deon Williams
Gabe Veas
Ron Ario
Gloria Palma
Don Tuitt
JJ Miller
Michael Smith
Rawle Lewis
Shannon White
Jerry Dahlgren
Mary Basmadjia
Alumni Lottery Winner
Guest: SUA Improv Class Sketch

Guest: John Fontaine
Bobbie Oliver

Grad Show Tuesday, August 23rd @8pm

MC: Sally Mullins
Frankie Nichols
Jennifer Johnson
Jenny Davis
Danielle Sadd
Tom Brundage
David Traughber
Joseph Bartholomew
Javier Palenzuela
Ed Shannon
Jessica Doyle
Trip Jones
Alumni Lottery Winner
Guest: SUA Improv Class Sketch

Guest: John Fontaine
Bobbie Oliver

New standup classes starting on Sept. 10th!

And remember, all alumni get a discount on the stand-up and improv classes!

New Improv/Sketch classes starting Sept. 11

New open mic in Eagle Rock!

Bobbie is now hosting a new open mic at Dave's Chillin' & Grillin' in Eagle Rock! the open mic will be held every other Wednesday at 7:30pm, including this Wednesday, August 3rd!

Dave's is located at 2152 Colorado Blvd. Eagle Rock, CA 90041

Check out these great business of comedy classes! And tell them Bobbie Oliver sent you

Sat Aug 27th, 2011 | 10:00AM-1:00PM

ONE DAY: Marketing and Promoting Yourself
Marketing and Promoting Yourself

Instructor(s): Barbara Holliday
Venue: Flappers Comedy Club Burbank- Yoo Hoo Room
Are you new to Stand up Comedy? Have an act but not sure how to present yourself to Clubs and Bookers? Do you need promotional materials, but don't have a big budget and aren't sure where to begin? Then join us for this Educational Session/Lecture Series. Read more...

$100.00 to get this price, mention Bobbie Oliver!


Sat Aug 27th, 2011 | 2:00PM-5:00PM

ONE DAY: Breaking Into the College Market
Breaking Into the College Market

Instructor(s): Barbara Holliday
Venue: Flappers Comedy Club Burbank- Yoo Hoo Room
Learn how the college market works, what is NACA, What is APCA, How to break into the college market and make your act appeal to buyers in the Market and how to find, attract and secure a College Agent. Read more...

$100.00 to get this price, mention Bobbie Oliver!


Have you signed up for FunnyForMoney.com yet?

Considering a few of our family members have won it, we should be a shoe in! Just go here- funnyformoney.com. You can submit your own video punchlines each week and if it’s picked as one the funniest, you can win one of ten $100 weekly prizes or the Best Video Punchline Grand Prize of $500.

Also you can watch the punchlines that are sent in each week and vote for the ones you think will be picked as the funniest. Then, if they pick you as a winning voter, you can win one of the ten $100 prizes every week or the Voter Grand Prize of $500.
The reason I’m asking you to sign up now is because if you win either the weekly Voter Grand Prize or Best Video Punchline Grand Prize of $500, I do too! Not only that, if you win either the monthly Voter Grand Prize or Best Video Punchline Grand Prize of $10,000, I do too! So take one minute, sign up from my link above or copy and paste this link-
and then tell all your friends to do the same from your personal link.

End of August Newsletter