The Grad Shows are here!!

Grad Shows Are Sunday through Tuesday and we'll be doing a lottery drawing for Alums on Monday and Tuesday! Come support your new family members and you could be performing with them!

Grad Show Sunday, August 21st @8pm

MC: Sally Mullins
Garry Haley
Andy Adams
Derek Blackway
Michael McClenahan
Marisol Grier
Liz Rodgers
Christopher B Duncan
Kevin Barry
Justin Latham
Guest: SUA Improv Class Sketch
Guest: John Fontaine
Guest: Phil Perrier
Bobbie Oliver

Grad Show Monday, August 22nd @8pm

MC: Sally Mullins
Mark Leonard
Deon Williams
Gabe Veas
Ron Ario
Gloria Palma
Don Tuitt
JJ Miller
Michael Smith
Rawle Lewis
Shannon White
Jerry Dahlgren
Mary Basmadjia
Alumni Lottery Winner
Guest: SUA Improv Class Sketch

Guest: John Fontaine
Bobbie Oliver

Grad Show Tuesday, August 23rd @8pm

MC: Sally Mullins
Frankie Nichols
Jennifer Johnson
Jenny Davis
Danielle Sadd
Tom Brundage
David Traughber
Joseph Bartholomew
Javier Palenzuela
Ed Shannon
Jessica Doyle
Trip Jones
Alumni Lottery Winner
Guest: SUA Improv Class Sketch

Guest: John Fontaine
Bobbie Oliver